Foreign Language
The official homepage will be translated in English, Chinese, and Korean using a private automatic translation service.
Please note that as it is a machine translation from an automatic translation system, the translation may not always be accurate.
Also note that after the translation, the content may not be same as in the original Japanese page.
- Joe's News (Selected information from the city magazine ONOJO)
- Weather Information Apps and Websites
- 第8回大野城市英語・日本語スピーチコンテスト 8th Onojo International Speech Contest
Information about Novel Coronavirus
- About Onojo City Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination (新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種について) (May 18, 2022)
- How to consult with a doctor and have a medical examination when you have a fever etc. (PDF:391KB)
- Information about Novel Coronavirus (August 22, 2022)
- 福岡県ホームページ (Fukuoka Prefecture Official Website)(外部サイトにリンク)
Lifting of the Fukuoka Corona Alert and future response (November 15, 2021)
- Lifting of the Fukuoka Corona Alert and future response(英語)(PDF:219KB)
- Guidelines to Avoid Infection Risk while at Restaurants(英語)(PDF:126KB)
- 关于福冈新冠警报的解除和今后的政策(中国語)(PDF:225KB)
- 关于规避感染风险的餐饮行业店铺等的使用(中国語)(PDF:187KB)
- 후쿠오카 코로나 경보 해제와 향후 대응에 대하여(韓国語)(PDF:258KB)
- 감염 위험을 피하기 위한 음식점 이용에 관하여(韓国語)(PDF:255KB)
- 福岡(ふくおか)コロナ(ころな)警報(けいほう)の解除(かいじょ)と今後(こんご)の対応(たいおう)について(やさしいにほんごルビつき)(PDF:278KB)
- 感染(かんせん)リスク(りすく)を避(さ)ける飲食店(いんしょくてん)の利用(りよう)について(やさしいにほんごルビつき)(PDF:212KB)
Regarding to Support Measures to Businesses and Other Organizations under the Emergency Measures (May 18, 2021)
- Regarding to Support Measures to Businesses and Other Organizations under the Emergency Measures(英語)(PDF:247KB)
- 关于因实施紧急事态措施而向事业者等群体提供的支援举措(中国語)(PDF:296KB)
- 긴급 사태 조치에 따른 사업자 지원책에 관하여(韓国語)(PDF:297KB)
- Chính sách hỗ trợ cho các đơn vị kinh doanh khi thực hiện biện pháp khẩn cấp(ベトナム語)(PDF:299KB)
- มาตรการเยียวยาผู้ประกอบการจากการประกาศสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน(タイ語)(PDF:313KB)
- सङ्कटकालमा अपनाइने उपायहरूको कार्यान्वयन गर्दा उद्यमी आदिलाई दिइने सहायताबारे(ネパール語)(PDF:339KB)
- Kebijakan Bantuan untuk Pengusaha dan Pihak-pihak Lainnya Terkait Program Penanganan Status Darurat(インドネシア語)(PDF:217KB)
- 緊急(きんきゅう)事態(じたい)措置(そち)に伴(ともな)う事(じ)業者(ぎょうしゃ)等(とう)への支援(しえん)の方法(ほうほう)について(やさしいにほんごルビつき)(PDF:136KB)
To Residents
Precaution is important. We ask you to do the same preventive measures like common colds and flu.
Preventive measures
- Wash your hands well and frequently.
- Follow "cough etiquette".
- As to persons who have chronicle diseases and seniors, take extra precaution such as avoiding crowded areas.
- Stay home from school and work if you have symptoms of common colds such as fever, etc.
- Record your body temperature everyday if symptoms such as fever, etc. start.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask when coughing and sneezing.
- Cook meat and eggs thoroughly.
- Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory problems such as coughing and sneezing.
Avoid the “Three Cs”
- Closed spaces with poor ventilation.
- Crowded places with many people nearby.
- Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations.
The routes of transmission are generally through droplets and contacts. In addition, under certain circumstances, such as when talking to many people at a short distance in confined spaces, there is the risk of spreading the infection even without coughing or sneezing. Therefore please avoid the “Three Cs” as above.
As to consultation in foreign language, please contact the number below.
- Multilingual Call Center Fukuoka Asian Medical Center
Telephone:092-286-9595 - Fukuoka Yokatoko Call Center
Related Information about Novel Coronavirus
- Information about Novel Coronavirus from Onojo City
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare(external link)
- Fukuoka Prefecture(external link)
- Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation
For further information, please contact Community Culture Section.
Reception time:8:30am - 5:00pm *Weekday only
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