Health・Medical Care / 健康・医疗 / 건강・의료 / 健康・医療
Useful information for Foreign nationals / 为了外国人的好消息 / 외국인을 위한 유용한 정보 / 外国人のためのお役立ち情報
Health・Medical Care / 健康・医疗 / 건강・의료 / 健康・医療
休日・夜間当番医情報(月間), Information on Night time and Holiday Doctors (Monthly)
Please check out information on Night time and Holiday Doctors (Monthly)
診療時間 / Available Hours
休日:午前9時から午後5時まで / Holiday: available from 9:00am to 5:00pm
夜間:午後5時以降 / Night time: available from 5:00pm
Please visit a medical institution available at night time or on holidays just in case of emergency.
As the information is subject to change, please confirm availability with the medical institution you would like to visit beforehand.
多言語医療問診票, Multilingal Medical Questionnaire, 多语言医疗问诊票, 다국어 의료문진표
日本で暮らす日本語の話せない外国人が病院へ行く時に病気やけがの症状を医師に説明する手助けとなるように制作されたものです。多言語医療問診票は、診療科別に翻訳され、各言語に日本語が併記されていますので海外に住む日本人や海外旅行者にも利用されています。Click here
This homepage was created to help foreigners explain the condition of injuries and symptoms of illness to doctors and other medical personnel.Click here
일본에 거주하고 있는 일본어가 가능하지 않는 외국인시민이 병원에서 병이나 부상의 증상을 의사에게 전달할 수 있도록 제작된 것입니다.
다국어 의료문진표는 진료과 별로 번역되고 각 언어에 일본어가 병기되어있으므로 외국에 사는 일본인, 해외여행자도 이용하고 있습니다. Click here
ふくおか医療情報ネット, Fukuoka Medical Information, 福冈医疗信息网络, 후쿠오카 의료정보
福岡県にある英語などの外国語が使える病院を探すことができます。"Search By Corresponding language"をクリックすると、言語と診療科目で病院が検索できます。Click here
You will be able to find hospitals with English services in Fukuoka prefecture. Click "Search By Corresponding Language" in the following link and search hospitals by languages and/or types of treatment.Click here
您可以查询到,在福冈県可以使用英语及其他国家语言诊疗的医院。点击"Search By Corresponding language"选择语言和诊疗科目进行查询。Click here
후쿠오카현에 있는 영어 등 외국어가 가능한 병원을 찾을 수 있습니다.
"Search By Corresponding language"을 클릭하면 언어와 진단과목으로 병원을 검색할 수 있습니다. Click here
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地域創造部 コミュニティ文化課 芸術文化担当
コミュニティ文化課 Community Culture Section
Address:City Hall New building 3F (2-2-1 Akebonomachi Onojo City 816-8510)